Salam buat semua khalifah-khalifah yang memakmurkan bumi ini
Adapun blog ini diwujudkan sedemikian rupanya adalah sebagai wadah untuk saya berkongsi ilmu bersama rakan taulan serata dunia. Namun blog ini secara khususnya lebih banyak membicarakan tentang ulasan buku2 Islami, dunia Islam, dunia pengembaraan, dunia motosikal dan isu semasa sesuaian dengan kecenderungan penulis.
The blog was created so apparently is the place to share my knowledge with friends around the world. But this blog is more specifically talking about a book review of Islam, the Islamic world, world travel, the world of motorcycles and the compliance issues with the tendency of the author.
The blog was created so apparently is the place to share my knowledge with friends around the world. But this blog is more specifically talking about a book review of Islam, the Islamic world, world travel, the world of motorcycles and the compliance issues with the tendency of the author.
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